The Main Characters

Rip Squeak, Jesse Squeak and her ever-present doll Bunny, Abbey the Cat, and Euripides the frog are the main characters in the Rip Squeak stories. To learn more about them, click on the images below:

Portrait-of-Rip-1.jpg   Portrait-of-Jesse-&-Bunny.jpg

Portrait-of-Abbey.jpg   Portrait-of-Euripides.jpg


Other Characters in the Rip Squeak stories

include Mr. and Mrs. Squeak, Sam Airitan the dragonfly, Salvador the Sea Monster, and Ben the cousin of Rip and Jesse. There are also a number of fairies and pond frogs, and some forest animals will be introduced in The Gift of Giving.

Mr& Mrs. Squeak.jpg   Sam.jpg   Salvador.jpg 

 Ben.jpg   A-Fairy.jpg   Pond-Frogs.jpg